Lewis Family Doctors Use Telzio to Streamline Front Desk

Lewis Family Doctors Use Telzio to Streamline Front Desk

January 6, 2020

March 5, 2015

June 30, 2021

June 30, 2021

Lewis Family Natural Health is a husband and wife team of experts in naturopathic and holistic medicine who rely on Telzio’s cloud phone system for their flourishing practice. Doctors Eric and Kristina Lewis assist patients locally in Asheville, North Carolina and consult nationally with patients across the United States through personalized natural healthcare and alternative medicine therapies.

With Telzio’s auto attendant features and flexible call forwarding options, the busy doctors are able to work from anywhere and run their front desk more smoothly. As business owners and parents, the Lewis’s have been able to save money and time by switching to Telzio.

Right off the bat, the Lewis healthcare business began saving over $100 per month on their phone bill. Additionally, the call management features have alleviated staffing needs at the front desk, saving the business a significant amount in payroll expenses.

Before Telzio, the Lewis’s were using traditional landline service with Charter, paying $55 per line for basic calling, fax and one voicemail with no options. They wanted to upgrade their features with an IVR menu system, and found that the cost saving was a nice secondary benefit.

“Our initial goal wasn’t even to switch away from land line, but rather just wanting a better voice mail system,” says Dr. Kristina Lewis. “I was frankly nervous to go to a phone system over the internet since the phone is so vital to our entire business, I didn’t “trust” moving it away from reliable cables.  But Telzio’s system, customer support, and whole set up convinced me to take the plunge, and we haven’t had any regrets!”

Medical offices like the Lewis family practice are able to customize the features for their phone system instantly through the Telzio website, without any professional IT help. By simply clicking and dragging the features they need, the Lewis’s set business hours and auto attendants to route incoming calls to the appropriate place as well as provide callers with information through pre-recorded greetings. The voicemail to email feature enables the office staff to easily check messages without having to pick up the handset, and call logs, texts, voicemails and call recordings can all be managed through a central online account.

The Lewis’s healthcare business is not tied to any hardware or restricted to any location with Telzio’s cloud phone system. “Telzio enables us to do our work from anywhere, which is especially great for me as business owner and mom.  I can make calls from home when I’m with my kids but look like I’m in the office,” says Dr. Kristina Lewis.

Not only does Telzio enable Dr. Lewis to pick up and work from anywhere, Telzio’s self-service platform enables her business to have alternate systems, or call flows, for holidays and hotlines. Call flows tell the phone system how to route incoming calls, whether it’s through an automated menu, forwarding calls directly to a phone, sending all calls to a voicemail, etc. By creating additional call flows, the business can switch between different call flows as needed, and assign a dedicated phone number to a special call flow for hotlines.

As medical professionals and not necessarily IT experts, the Lewis’s were able to set up their entire cloud phone system including all features and IP phones, aided by the support of Telzio’s staff and step-by-step guides. Rather than depending on IT consultants, the physicians or their staff can instantly make changes to their phone system anytime, and they can get back to focusing on their business and family.