Simultaneous Ring: Forward Calls to Multiple Phones at Once

Simultaneous Ring: Forward Calls to Multiple Phones at Once

November 11, 2020

November 11, 2020

June 30, 2021

June 30, 2021

Simultaneous ring is a capability that every business should have. It’s a standard feature of any modern phone service. Calling patterns and ring groups can be easily customized to route incoming calls to specific devices, right through the convenience of your internet browser. Setting up multiple phones to ring simultaneously helps incoming calls get answered more quickly, and consequently delivers a better customer experience. This article will go over common configurations, and opportunities to leverage simultaneous ringing with other calling features of your business phone system.   

What is Simultaneous Ring?

Simultaneous Ring is a PBX feature that routes incoming calls to multiple phones at the same time. Calls can be forwarded to a user's desk phone, computer, and mobile device, as well as to multiple users. As soon as the call is answered on one phone, the other phones stop ringing. 

How It Works

The first step is to create a list of “destinations” where you want calls to be forwarded. The list can be made up of users, groups, and other phone numbers, and is also known as a hunt group.

With Telzio, each device is assigned a unique username, so the forwarding list could contain multiple devices belonging to the same person, as well as multiple devices belonging to different people.  

For example, you can set up a phone number to ring one person on their desk, computer, and cell phone. Alternatively, you can set up a phone number to ring multiple people on a combination of their devices. 

Then, you choose whether you want the call to ring all recipients on the list at the same time (simultaneously), or if you want the call to go down the list and ring them one-by-one (sequentially). 

If you set calls to ring everyone simultaneously, then the first person to answer will get the call. If you set it to ring sequentially, then the call will try the first selection on the list, and so on. 

In Telzio, we call the Simultaneous Ring setting “Call All”. It’s a powerful and easy-to-use Call Forwarding feature that enables you to create a list of extensions and/or groups, and choose between ringing them all simultaneously, or one-by-one. 

Learn more about Simultaneous Ring from Telzio

Simultaneous Ring versus Sequential Ring - Which one is better? 

Setting calls to ring multiple phones simultaneously is better for customer wait times. It’s generally best practice to implement this approach for customer support and sales lines. For non-urgent lines and prioritizing members in a forwarding list, sequential ringing is suitable. For example, you may want all calls to go to Person A first, and if he doesn’t answer, then the call can move to Person B. In that case, you would select sequential ringing. 

Benefits of Simultaneous Ring

Prevent missed calls

This feature can be configured to connect multiple devices like your desk phone, mobile phone, and webphone. Should you be away from your office or traveling, you can rest easy knowing you will not miss a call.

Improve your availability

It can be quite difficult to know when an important call will come in. The added accessibility for your customers to reach you at any time can improve customer satisfaction. For the self-employed and small businesses with a limited workforce, this can be a huge positive where success favors staying connected.

Streamline inbound calls

By having all your devices synced, you can also virtually merge your numbers to act as a funnel that points towards your connected phones. In cases where you want to be selective on who you hand out your personal number, this opens the flexibility to distribute your work, personal, or even toll-free number.

Related: Eliminate Rollover Line Costs with VoIP

Common Configurations 

There are several ways you can implement simultaneous ring features and here are some scenarios that make it shine.

  1. The most common is when calls ring one recipient on their desk, mobile, and computer phones. Great for self-employed or small business owners and in cases where you have an assistant, they can answer and screen the call.
  2. Another use would be to simultaneously ring a group of employees’ preferred device, which can entail a desk phone, webphone, or mobile app. Terrific if you have employees that are in-office and others that are remote.
  3. The last is a combination of the two, in cases that you aren’t able to answer a call, it will automatically move on to ring a backup group. Best way to catch all incoming calls before it would reach a voicemail option.

Augment Capabilities with More PBX Features

Simultaneous ring comes built-in with Telzio’s services and is a breeze to configure with dozens of other features. Here are ways you can get the most out of this feature and tune to your liking.

  • Opening Hours will help define when you want certain devices to ring depending on your hours of operation. If you’re out of the office after 5 pm, you can schedule your office desk phone to not receive simultaneous ringing while keeping it active for your mobile phone, webphone, or home phone. This concept also applies to groups or individual agents should they have different scheduled hours.
  • Call waiting queues are a great way to redirect a caller to any available agents during times that you are unavailable. It also offers callback requests in cases that nobody is able to answer but can return the call shortly after.
  • Another scenario where a call can’t be answered, you can set up a voicemail if a caller doesn’t wish to have a call returned but wants to leave a message. Having an announcement for any special events or updates is also a great tool to keep your callers informed.
  • Telzio’s mobile app has a setting where you can toggle do-not-disturb. There might be times where you don’t want all your devices ringing while you’re at your desk, and DND is there to solve that. Another common use for this setting is if members of a group have different lunch hours and don’t want their cell phone ringing while on break.

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