Team Voicemail

Enable prompt handling of company voicemail messages. Professional greeting and collaboration tools for teams to manage shared voicemail from anywhere.

About team voicemail

Shared voicemail inbox

Create a professional voicemail greeting for your company, and deliver transcriptions by email. Through the Telzio dashboard, users can collectively work on responding to voicemails as they come in, and manage them all in one place.

Familiar tools like commenting, tagging, and reassigning empower internal users to collaborate on voicemail activity. Employees have easier ways to manage voicemails, and customers get responded to more quickly.

Voicemail transcriptions

Receive voicemails transcribed as text to email and on the dashboard.

Forward voicemails

Reassign voicemail messages to colleagues and other teams, along with internal comments.

Manage voicemail online

Listen to and manage voicemails on desktop phones as well as on the computer.

Custom greetings

Record or upload a professional voicemail greeting for your business.

How it works

Configuring a company voicemail solution

Add shared voicemail capabilities to your company phone system, and enable better management of voicemail messages.

You can customize voicemail greetings, and route voicemail messages to any user, group, email, and device. The Telzio dashboard provides a central place for team members to manage company voicemails and handle customer inquiries more efficiently.


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