Time-based call routing filter

Time filters enable you to schedule different call routing rules based on time and day. Plan ahead for holidays, shifts, and special events.

About time filters

Call routing schedules

Time filters run a check on the time when an incoming call reaches your phone system, and directs the call down the appropriate path. You can set up business hours and rotating team schedules during open hours, and direct calls to an after-hours message when you're closed.

The time filter can be a very powerful tool in your call flow. You can use it to create simple open and closed business hours, and you can also create a complex network of time conditions to accommodate more complicated scheduling needs.


Specify timezones to ensure calls get routed to distributed teams at the right time.


Schedule closed hours in advance and upload a holiday greeting for your callers.


Create dynamic schedules that are easy to update for varying employee shifts.


Restrict calls to specific days and times, and make updates on the fly.

How it works

Route incoming calls by day and time

Telzio gives you the capability to update schedules and call groups instantly through the website. Accommodate business hours, work schedules, holidays, and special campaigns.

Update call routing schedules in real time, and get calls to the right people without delay.


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